22q Young Experts by Experience Panel (YEEP): About Amy

About Amy and 22q11

“Hi, my name is Amy. I am 25 years old. I was diagnosed with 22q at the age of 10. I had open-heart surgery at 3. I find it difficult to socialize and found it very hard to make friends when I was younger and sometimes still do! I struggled through school and was a very quiet person. I really didn’t like maths I could never work with numbers I still have to use a calculator for the simple things! I found it very hard to study in secondary school I couldn’t concentrate it would go in one ear and out the other very quickly.

I did enough to pass my Leaving cert and went on to study tv and film fetac level 5. I didn’t complete it as it wasn’t for me. I then did Travel and tourism level 5 and I loved it as I love travelling. I have been to Australia 4 times and I went flew once over on my own. I prefer solo travelling a lot more.

I am now looking for a job I am working with a brilliant service called employability in Cork where I have a job coach and he helps me with my CV and interview skills. I have found it very good so far and have had two meetings.

I am also part of the YEEP group and I love being part as I know I am not alone and I can talk to the other girls for support. I wish I had something like that when I was younger to help me understand it more!! I have my good days and bad days as everyone does but you just have to push through and know you are not alone with it.”